Blue notification letters continue to be sent out by Healthcare Options to the address that is on file with them, which is often times incorrect. A large proportion of these people have dementia, are unstable or suffer from chronic mental illness and tend to move frequently without being able to notify Medicare of their new location. Thus, these individuals never receive the blue envelope and are being passively enrolled against their will. This practice is unconscionable.

      • PSYD

        This is not possible. There are 1000s of letters that have gone out already and will continue to go out.

  2. PSYD

    A woman I see at a nursing home needs a surgery. She opted out of Cal MediConnect (on the Medicare side), but she WAS STILL ENROLLED INTO an HMO on 10.1.14. Staff at the facility have called Healthcare Options numerous times and a rep has promised that the resident will be put back into traditional Medicare ASAP, but nothing has changed. This woman needs a surgery and the HMO will take forever to authorize it or refuse to do so. What a tragedy!

    • Admin

      Thank you for contacting us. We would be happy to look into the situation and help ensure this woman has access to the services she needs. You can send us more information at info@calduals.org. Or you can contact the Ombudsman program at 1-855-501-3077.

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